
Monday, May 22, 2017

numbgrief 20mg Vol 1

un proyecto para los que, como yo, se vean a menudo obligados a pasar largas noches en vela
recomiendo su reproducción en horas sin sol, a solas, en la cama o mientras paseas por calles oscuras y solitarias
this is a project for the ones that, like me, find themselves spending long sleepless nights
it is recommended to be heard in sunless hours, alone, in your bed, or else while you walk dark and lonely streets

1 intro by numbgrief 20mg
2 The Big Picture by Bright Eyes
3 Group Autogenics 1 by The Books
4 Alone Not Alone by Diamondstein
5 Red Flags & Long Nights by She Wants Revenge
6 Let It Begin/Oh Joy by Broadcast, The Focus Group
7 By The Light Of My Body by Mamiffer
8 Flower Of The Field II by Mamiffer
9 Page 22 [7 Frames] by Fantômas
10 Absurd by Heroin And Your Veins
11 Hotel Blues by Last Ex
12 Youth by Daughter
13 The Owl by I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness
14 Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby by Cigarettes After Sex
15 Selected Readings from Oak Mot pt. II by Crispin Helion Glover
16 Dream45 by Armed Love Militia (Fairuza Balk)
17 Parallels by Still Corners
18 Never Seen by Lightning Dust