
Friday, April 15, 2011

RADIO MUERTE Episodio 01

En esta ocasión viajamos del Rock stoner espacial y progresivo, progresivamente hacia el Black Metal para acabar en los últimos minutos dando un volantazo hacia el Psych-Folk.

-Neil Merryweather "Star Rider"
-Black Mountain "Tyrant" / "Wucan"
-Locrian "The Crystal World"
-Nachtmystium "Cry For Help" / "High on Hate"
-Wolves In The Throne Room "A Looming Resonance" / "Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog"
-Bobb Trimble "Killed By The Hands Of An Unknown Rockstar"
-Black Flag "Family Man"

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"Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer" Caspar David Friedrich (1817)

Friday, April 8, 2011

The holy grail of Black Metal albums

Korean for RUINED? who knows

Pyha is the pseudonym of this korean artist that according to the reviews and a certain halo of mysterious legend recorded this masterpiece when he was only 14 years old.
The principal aspect about this album is that it succeeded where a lot of others failed (from big record label consolidated artists to home productions), To create a REALLY SCARY ambient.

Further information can be found at tUMULt, the label who distributed the album.

The "band" somehow can be found on internet under the name of Pyha and also like Ruined that seems to be the name (in korean). I don't know, as I said, information around this artist is blurry and confusing, fact which make it's mystery halo even bigger and better.

Know what? better hear it (in darkness if possible) and judge it by yoursef. For me is sure, it's a fucking masterpiece and totally give me the creeps.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Episodio 00, episodio piloto, o como querais llamarlo, lo he hecho un poco de prueba e intentaré mejorar y hacerlo más largo si ésto sigue adelante.
La primera mitad del programa metalera, la segunda country.

Aquí os dejo el Playlist:

Toxic Holocaust "666"
Black Cobra "Sugar Water"
Death Breath "Death Breath"
Tribulation "Curse of Resurrection"
Mojo Nixon & Skid Roper "Burn Down The Malls"
Mojo nixon "You Can't Kill Me"
G.G. Allin & The Criminal Quartet "Outskirts of Life"
Those Poor Bastards "This World Is Evil"
Bob Wayne "Mack" y "Long Way Down"

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